From roof to foundation

Waterproofing plays an extremely important role in protecting every aspect of a structure’s construction. Knowing which coverage to specify for a particular project is more than just a science—it is an art form. Consulting with an experienced specialty contractor for the best waterproofing options available will ensure a quality...
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Using ICFs and IFAs to enhance energy efficiency

The Academy at Nola Dunn is a K–5 elementary school in Texas’ Burleson Independent School District (ISD). Completed in 2010, the 9940-m2 (107,000-sf) building has an external envelope consisting of insulated concrete form (ICF) walls and integrated framing assembly (IFA) door and window frames.
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The rise of the blue roof

Blue-roof implementation is on the rise in the United States and, indeed, around the world. First conceived in 2008, these ROOF assemblies have proved to be an emerging technology that changes the game in densely populated, urban areas like San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York.
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