Avoiding a contractual fatal flaw

You may perhaps be thinking: “Isn’t the title of this article a bit over-dramatic?" However, this is an important topic that is rarely well-appreciated by owners and design professionals, and one few in the design community think much about.
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The growing concern with vapor intrusion

In extreme cases, vapors may accumulate in dwellings or occupied buildings to levels that may pose near-term safety hazards (e.g. explosion) or acute health effects. This occurs when there is a migration of chemical-containing vapor from a subsurface source into an overlying building. Fortunately, mitigation and barrier systems can...
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Waterproofing for plaza decks

Plaza decks suffer from an identity crisis. They have multiple definitions and names—are they roofs? Floors? Driveways? Courtyards? Vegetative decks? Located over parking areas, arcades, or water storage reservoirs, they may be large (the size of a city block) or small (just a square meter or two).
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