Connecting it all: Role of joints as a primary component

It is within the building enclosure, the exterior skin, where joints are found—one of the primary components responsible for facilitating these dynamic interactions. Joints allow buildings to stand firm as much as they allow them to operate responsively to ever-changing internal and external conditions, enabling the flexing, sweating, or...
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Assessing mass concrete with thermal control plans

A TCP is a document typically prepared by an experienced licensed engineer who is knowledgeable on the thermal behavior of concrete. A TCP provides a foundation to ensure high thermal stresses and cracking of mass concrete will be avoided, and that its long-term durability will not be negatively affected....
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Standardizing guidelines to specify IFRMs

The advent of intumescent fire-resistive materials (IFRMs), which are smooth in appearance, finally allowed for the expression of exposed steel in new and creative ways, and new material innovations continue to support this change. IFRMs allow designers to strip away the unnecessary elements that were common in construction in...
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