The evolution of plaza waterproofing

Non-stop increases in urban land costs have led to more efficient use of space by building owners. This includes not only building upward, but also downward. Waterproofed plazas over occupied underground facilities and roof terraces became popular ways of maximizing both horizontal and vertical space.
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The benefits of having turnstiles

One of the best options for improving the physical security of buildings and facilities is the use of turnstiles to control employee and visitor access. Besides improved security, turnstiles offer many benefits over the use of doors, including effective integration with the facility’s access control system and increased operational...
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Understanding the code evaluation process

To be approved for use in building construction, products need to be tested and evaluated to the requirements of building codes by appropriate third-party entities. In the rapidly evolving market for building materials, a manufacturer’s ability to demonstrate its products are code-compliant is critical to gaining approval for use...
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