Daylighting with dynamic glass

As long as humans have built shelters, windows have been an important design element to bring in daylight. In the second half of the 20th century buildings became larger, deeper, and increasingly isolated occupants from the outside world.
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Navigating energy code compliance for roofing

The roof assembly is an important aspect in achieving energy code compliance because it often accounts for a large portion of the building envelope. It becomes even more critical in single-story non-residential projects such as manufacturing plants, warehouses, distribution centers, retail stores, and offices.
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Specifying the right privacy and shading

When specifying glazing solutions for vision, sound, light, and heat control, design actions often come down to a choice between integrated louvers and integrated blinds. Knowing the difference between the two—and which option may be more suitable for an application—
is critical.
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Advanced heating technologies for VRF

Cold temperatures and disruptive precipitation create problems every year. When it comes to heating spaces, the challenge tends to be how to do 
it effectively and efficiently. Historically, maintaining a desirable indoor environment in cold climates has put industry professionals to the test.
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