Fire-rated doors provide around-the-clock protection to help ensure people can safely exit a building in the event of a fire. When specified with fire-rated glazing, they can also help preserve sight lines and support aesthetic goals.
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In the wake of any tragedy, society struggles collectively to process the loss. For some, it is the loss of friends and loved ones, but for most, it is the feelings of safety and trust that are diminished.
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One of the biggest mistakes a designer can make when specifying polished concrete slabs is to state, “Concrete for polished concrete, including formwork, reinforcement, concrete materials, mixture design, placement procedures, initial finishing, and curing is specified in Section 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete.”
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Resilience is where the promise of sustainability and the real world meet. Unfortunately, this promise often goes unfulfilled as current industry trends favor cheap instead of durable. A first-cost mentality is simple, but when the wrong materials are specified, it can expose owners and occupants to higher risks.
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Construction site dewatering is used to locally control and lower groundwater levels in the vicinity of the excavation. This is typically done to maintain soil conditions needed during, and occasionally after, construction—for example, to keep soil dry enough for construction loads, installing building materials, or safe working conditions.
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The primary purpose of below-grade waterproofing is not to keep water out of the basement, although that is an important consideration. Rather, its role is to protect the foundation and the entire building structure from the damaging effects of liquids and vapors.
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Whether the project is a new building or major renovation, sustainability is an increasingly important factor in decision-making. Whole-building life cycle assessment (LCA) makes it possible to look at all phases of a building, from material extraction through construction to decommissioning.
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Building information modeling (BIM) is opening up new opportunities for the construction industry. Its adoption differs across various regions, but architects, consultants, engineers, and contractors are realizing the benefits of this new, collaborative way of designing, constructing, and maintaining a building.
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The Stapleton Redevelopment project near Denver—a 16-year, $200-million endeavor—is still undergoing its transformation from an international airport to a thriving residential and mixed-use community. As the Colorado project progresses, final phases of asbestos abatement, demolition, and soil remediation are well underway.
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Specifying flooring that will not be slippery even when it can get wet or otherwise lubricated in use is critical for safety purposes. The 2012 International Building Code (IBC) lays out slip resistance, but there are weaknesses with the requirements.
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