But I didn’t bid it that way!

All too often, design/construction professionals end up in a rush to pump out bids that seem to be routine, everyday tasks. What happens when you are awarded a project, then come to find out you were low bid for all the wrong reasons?
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Superior protection with rainscreens

One of the most successful technologies for deterring rainwater intrusion into a building’s exterior wall and protecting the envelope is the rainscreen system. Introduced more than 20 years ago in the United States, this technology has continued to advance, along with its popularity among building owners who desire a...
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From roof to foundation

Waterproofing plays an extremely important role in protecting every aspect of a structure’s construction. Knowing which coverage to specify for a particular project is more than just a science—it is an art form. Consulting with an experienced specialty contractor for the best waterproofing options available will ensure a quality...
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