Students at UW perform in broad daylight

Students and staff at the University of Wyoming’s (UW’s) Laramie campus can now develop their music, theater, or dance skills in a newly renovated and expanded facility. The $35-million Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts includes both new construction and partial renovation of the existing fine arts center.
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A lesson in creating the right ambience for a Utah school

Natural lighting, 1200 solar panels, and the use of sustainable materials are some of the design features of a new school in Farmington, Utah. Located in Davis School District, Odyssey Elementary School was also designed to obtain Gold certification under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program.
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Hiding HVAC in plain sight

What do you do when there’s no room to retrofit an HVAC exhaust air system inside a building? Take it outside and hide it behind architectural accoutrement. That’s the solution implemented at Saint Thomas West Hospital in Nashville.
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Center achieves net-zero energy use

Designed by SmithGroupJJR, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF’s) Brock Environmental Center has earned Living Building Challenge (LBC) certification from the International Living Future Institute (ILFI). It produces 1.83 times more energy than it used over the past year.
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Cool new home for Polk’s penguins

The Detroit Zoo is home to 83 penguins, so it’s only fitting its Polk Penguin Conservation Center resemble Antarctic’s icy landscape. Now open to the public, the facility—which holds more than 1,234,044 L (326,000 gal) of water—welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
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