Practice guides serve as a major part of the curated knowledge CSI has to offer professionals. Currently developed as a series of larger publications/textbooks, the practice guides also serve as the core knowledge for CSI’s certification program. The CSI practice guides are a library of comprehensive references specifically and carefully designed for the construction professional. Each book examines important concepts and best practices integral to a particular aspect of the construction process.
Completing a successful construction project today depends on moving intent and information from the owner’s mind, through the design team, to the jobsite. The Project Delivery Practice Guide (PDPG) focuses on leading project delivery methods and the steps in each to deliver quality work that fulfills owner intent. Learn the roles and responsibilities of every party, the deliverables during each phase of the facility life cycle, and the types of information flow that help ensure a successful project.
The PDPG also serves as the pivotal starting point for understanding CSI’s core values, as well as a useful study aid for those wishing to obtain the CDT certification. See how to obtain your electronic or print edition at