Celebrating exceptional metal construction

by nithya_caleb | February 5, 2018 8:33 am

Medicine Crow Middle School in Montana won a Metal Construction Association Chairman’s Award in the category of Primary and Secondary Schools.
Photo © Lara Swimmer

Last week, the Metal Construction Association[2] (MCA) announced the winners of its annual Chairman’s Awards at its winter meeting in San Diego, California. Selected by a panel of architects, eight projects involving MCA member companies were recognized for outstanding use of metal in buildings.

Submissions were evaluated based on:

The Chairman’s Award winners in each category are as follows:

Overall Excellence


Metal Roofing

 Education (Primary and Secondary Schools)

Education (Colleges and Universities)




To read more about the winning projects, click here[18].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Medicine-Crow-Photo-Credit-Lara-Swimmer.jpg
  2. Metal Construction Association: http://www.metalconstruction.org/
  3. Steven Holl Associates: http://www.stevenholl.com/
  4. Rheinzink America: https://www.rheinzink.us/
  5. Touloukian Touloukian: http://www.ttarch.com/
  6. Englert: https://www.englertinc.com/
  7. Integrus: http://www.integrusarch.com/
  8. MBCI: http://www.mbci.com/
  9. K. Norman Berry Associates: http://knbarch.com/
  10. wHY Architects: http://why-site.com/
  11. CENTRIA: http://www.centria.com/Pages/default.aspx
  12. SHoP Architects: http://www.shoparc.com/
  13. Gensler: https://www.gensler.com/
  14. 3A Composites USA: https://www.3acompositesusa.com/
  15. Sobotec: http://www.sobotec.com/
  16. PPG Industries: http://corporate.ppg.com/Home.aspx
  17. Michael Folonis Architects: http://www.folonisarchitects.com/
  18. here: http://www.metalconstruction.org/index.php/about/2017-chairman-award-winners?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=subscriber_id:922764&utm_campaign=MCA%20Newsletter%20-%202018-01

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/celebrating-exceptional-metal-construction/