Cementing the status of the year’s top concrete pavement projects

by Carly Midgley | December 29, 2016 10:02 am

The U.S. 36 express lanes from Federal Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive—owned by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Region One, and completed by contractor Castle Rock Construction Company and engineers HDR and Cesare—earned Gold in the urban divided highway category of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Excellence in Concrete Pavements awards. Photo courtesy ACPA
The U.S. 36 express lanes from Federal Boulevard to Table Mesa Drive—owned by the Colorado Department of Transportation, Region One, and completed by contractor Castle Rock Construction Company and engineers HDR and Cesare—earned Gold in the urban divided highway category of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) Excellence in Concrete Pavements awards.
Photo courtesy ACPA

The winners of the American Concrete Pavement Association’s (ACPA’s) 27th Excellence in Concrete Pavements awards were announced at an annual meeting in Austin, Texas last month. This year’s awards focus on U.S. and Canadian projects completed in 2016.

These awards recognize contractors, engineers, and project owners who completed projects displaying high-quality workmanship in this field. Winners are determined via a points system, based on factors such as construction quality, response to unusual challenges, general innovation, and traffic management. A total of 27 awards were granted to 18 contractors this year.

By category, Gold Award winners include:

In the industrial paving, industrial roller-compacted concrete (RCC), special application RCC, and concrete pavement restoration (CPR) categories, only Silver Awards were granted. A full list of winners can be found here[1].

  1. here: http://www.acpa.org/2016-exellence/

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/cementing-the-status-of-the-years-best-projects/