Collaborating to build girls’ futures

by Samantha Ashenhurst | March 2, 2018 2:12 pm

The partnership of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the National Girls Collaborative (NGC) aims to encourage girls to pursue careers in architecture.
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The American Institute of Architects[2] (AIA) and the National Girls Collaborative[3] (NGC) announced a new partnership, designed to help girls achieve educational goals which will prepare them for future careers in architecture and similar fields. Formed in 2002, the NGC unites organizations across the United States, committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

“Architecture represents an innovative blend of design and crucial STEM skills,” said Karen Peterson, NGC’s CEO. “Thanks to this partnership with AIA, we are looking forward to engaging more girls in architecture activities and career paths.”

AIA’s collaboration with NGC is part of the Institute’s ongoing commitment to advance diversity and equality in the architecture field. In 2016, AIA developed a task force to develop a comprehensive, long-term strategy to introduce architecture into the curriculum for grades K–12. This included developing an appreciation for architecture and the role architects play in shaping the built environment.

“AIA is one of the first professional associations to partner with NGC to increase exposure to a profession,” said Del L. Ruff, senior director of workforce and K–12 initiatives at AIA. “We believe our K–12 partnerships need to be intentional and aid in ensuring the future of the architecture profession. NGC is one of those partners that will aid in increasing our reach for all students.”

NGC manages The Connectory[4], the largest directory of youth-serving STEM opportunities and programs in the United States. On March 22, the NGC will host a webinar for architecture and design firms, detailing how they can utilize this free service.

To read more, click here[5].

  1. [Image]:
  2. American Institute of Architects:
  3. National Girls Collaborative:
  4. The Connectory:
  5. here:

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