Concrete group donation-matching for BIM research

by Katie Daniel | February 5, 2016 2:49 pm

builder worker standing near trailer-mounted boom concrete pump on metal rods reinforcement of concrete casting formwork
A new donation matching campaign by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation’s Strategic Development Council (SDC) will help raise money for further research for building information modelling (BIM) for cast-in-place concrete.
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The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation[1]’s Strategic Development Council[2] (SDC) is matching donations up to $100,000 to support ongoing research for building information modeling (BIM) in the cast-in-place concrete industry.

SDC has been working since 2008 to accelerate the acceptance of BIM within the concrete community. Through those efforts, ACI has recognized the need for a technical committee and created ACI 131, BIM of Concrete Structures. The primary goal of this committee is to create a global data exchange for BIM in cast-in-place concrete construction.

“The work of ACI committee 131 has continued to make an impact,” said founding chair of ACI 131, Peter Carrato. “While much more still remains, I’m pleased to see the dedication of the committee members and industry supporters alike in achieving our shared vision.”

The committee has completed two phases of a project to develop standards known as Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs), which are open, international standard data models for exchange of data in BIM and will permit interoperability among current and future software platforms and programs. The donations from SDC will support Phase Three of the project, which involves the translation of the three most beneficial engineering models, reinforcement placement sequence, structural design, and construction reference schedule into exchange software. It would require $200,000 to complete.

  1. American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation:
  2. Strategic Development Council:

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