CONSTRUCT 2017: Knowledge today, innovation tomorrow

9:20 a.m.−10:20 a.m.
W05−View from the Top: The Owner’s Representative
Brent Redmon
This session allows you to move to the other side of the table and get a better feel for the expectations of the owner’s rep, as well as how to make the project a success. Those attending will learn from real-world examples of project failures that occurred due to communication breakdowns and bad documents.

W06−The ADA Quiz: Multifamily Edition
Steven Cain
Americans with Disabilities Act/Fair Housing Act (ADA/FHA) requirements have been around for more than 25 years, but there is still confusion and misinformation on exactly what the requirements are, when they apply, and which document or standard should be referenced to find the answer.

W07−The Future of Making Things: The Balance of Digital Technology and Fabrication with the Craft of Building
Christopher O’Hara
One can lose sight of the opportunities design and fabrication technologies offer to improve the built environment in modest ways. This discussion of Studio NYL case studies focuses on primary structures and façades ranging from small art installations to stadiums and high-rises.

W08−Constructability and Critical Transitions of Air, Vapor, and Moisture Barriers
Corey Zussman
This session identifies the different substrate conditions and critical transitions on a complex building. It provides the tools to understand the sequencing for completing the installation, as well as for preventing constructability issues and potential rework in the field.

10:35 a.m.−11:50 a.m.
W09−The Complete Wall: Hands-on Demo of Detailing for a Continuous Air, Water, and Thermal Assembly
Tiffany Coppock
Come get your hands dirty! This session provides an interactive learning environment demonstrating how to create a continuous and effective building envelope, including the air barrier, weather barrier, and the continuous insulation, along with fasteners and flashing. Small groups will work on mockups that include transition examples like windows, penetrations, roof connections, and foundations.

W10−Test Your Code Knowledge: Means of Egress
William Koffel
Brush up on code knowledge during this highly engaging and fun session. Using live polling devices, each participant will respond discreetly to a series of questions based on Chapter 10 of the International Building Code (IBC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101, Life Safety Code.

W11−Who’ll Stop the Rain: Considerations for Specifying Rainscreen Systems
Andrea Baird
This session provides clarity on the rainscreen specification process through the lens of a forensic architect. It offers an overview of wall systems, reference standards, test methods, a detailed list of requisite design considerations, and a survey of recent project experience lessons learned.

W12−AIA Contract Documents 2017: Revised General Conditions, Owner-Architect, and Owner-Contractor Agreements
Salvatore Verrastro and Lane J. Beougher
This program offers insight into the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA’s) revision process and the key changes. The participants will understand how the revisions impact their practice and examine how the new Sustainable Projects Exhibit can be used to provide a positive outcome regarding the health, safety, and welfare of building occupants.

1:10 p.m.−2:25 p.m.
W13−TCNA and ANSI: Specifying Successful Tile and Stone Systems by the Book
Jim Whitfield
Based on the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ceramic, stone, and glass tile standards, this session explores the coordination between the documents and how to effectively use them in specifications. It discusses recent changes to the standards, along with how they benefit project specifications.

W14−Building Information Modeling: Specifications, Software Applications,
and Integrated Project Delivery
Jeffrey Pilus
BIM has revolutionized the way that construction documents are being produced. The speaker explains how different firms use the process, and how information imbedded in the model can improve performance specifications. He will review ‘Level of Development’ per AIA G202-2013 and explains how to transition technical specifications from UniFormat alphanumeric designation into MasterFormat systems of classification.

W15−The Dangers of Delegated Design
Brian Schoolman
There is a trend of delegating more design responsibilities for elements of construction projects from design professionals to contractors. While this may be convenient for the designer, delegated design operates in a legal gray area of statutory, regulatory, and contractual requirements. What do you need to know?

W16−How Resilience in Building Materials, Energy Efficiency, and Building Codes Impact Project Specifications
Paul Bertram
Design professionals and developers are taking steps to design buildings that go beyond minimum life safety requirements and incorporate the principles of resilient, performance-based design. The public safety benefits of resilience in building codes and energy efficiency can also help communities withstand extreme weather disruptions.

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