CONSTRUCT 2017: Knowledge today, innovation tomorrow

2:40 p.m.−3:40 p.m.
W17−Avoiding a Waterproofing Failure: The Architect’s Role
John Guill
Waterproofing failures are the top source of post-construction claims, even though the products and procedures exist to produce reliable waterproof assemblies. This talk explores project photographs, drawings, and constructed conditions for below-grade construction of an actual project where design coordination was ignored. It demonstrates some common mindsets and oversights, and how they can lead to expensive correction.

W18−Selling with Guide Specifications
Michael Chambers
This program looks at how to use guide specifications to effectively communicate product values, functions, and system integration. It also demonstrates how to effectively review and comment on design professional specifications.

W19−What You Should Know Before and After Roofing Installations
Richard Freewalt and Erin Borradaile
This session breaks down the various components and information needed in roofing submittal packages and offers an overview of installation testing methods. The speakers share lessons learned and cover specification coordination, along with common deficiencies, communication requirements, and commissioning.

W20−Preparing for the Architecture Registration Exam 5.0
Michael Riscica
Architecture Registration Exam (ARE) 5.0 is the biggest update to the test in 15 years. This session explores methodology, study techniques, and other tips for those preparing for their first exam.

W21−Through the Eyes of the Contractor: Using Specifications to Bridge the Gap Between Design and Construction
Martin Houston
This presentation provides first-hand insight into how the general contractor uses the project specifications to understand the project materials and quality goals, how the specifications are used to effectively communicate with bidders and secure qualified bids, and how they can be crafted to more effectively communicate the project quality goals.

4:00 p.m.−5:30 pm
W22−What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: New Issues Regarding Fire Protection for Steel Structures
Craig Boucher and Eric Montplaisir
Building code changes, structural design changes, and updates in test methodology and listing of fire-resistive designs at third-party fire-testing laboratories have all resulted in radical shifts in fire protection for steel structures, but these alterations may have gone unnoticed. This session explains what you need to know.

W23−Specs 101 for the Uninitiated
Cherise Lakeside
Explore some of the basic principles of specification organization, language, procedures, general requirements, and roles and responsibilities. This session is appropriate for anyone who would like a better understanding of specifications and their role in the project delivery process, as well as basic procedures to avoid conflicts.

W24−Specifying Target Value Delivery
Beth Stroshane
As lean and target value delivery are broadly adopted, specifiers who are hired during the construction document phase could find themselves becoming obsolete. Documenting performance criteria, quality levels, products, and installation takes place much earlier in the process and may be completed by someone else. This session maps out target value delivery so specifiers can find where their scope went and have the vocabulary to chase it.

W25−The Cavity Wall Conundrum: Balancing Water Intrusion, Airtightness, Thermal Resistance, and NFPA 285 Compliance
Todd Skopic
Many designers are pushing the envelope with open-joint rainscreens and other unconventional wall orientations. Without
a robust weather-resistive barrier (WRB), though, water gets in. Also, the code requires continuous insulation (ci) and, possibly, continuous air barriers. The air barrier, typically directly behind the ci, is tied to combustibility issues and compliance with NFPA 285. What is a designer to do?

W26−Hot Topics and Emerging Trends in AEC
Panel session
Get together with peers to discuss hot topics, emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities, from augmented reality to offsite/modular construction (and everything in between). This is an open forum where the exchange of ideas, opinions, and information is encouraged. Ask questions of the panel of thought leaders or share your own insights.

Thursday, September 14
7:45 a.m.−9:15 a.m.
H01−Proper Specification Writing for Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls
Joseph Berchenko
Do you know how to properly specify testing and performance requirements? How about sealants and accessories or finishes and tolerances? In using MasterSpec Section 084413, “Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls,” the speaker reviews a specification section line by line to explain what it all means.

H02−State-of-the-art Details for Masonry Construction
Richard Filloramo
This session includes state-of-the-art details and specifications for masonry (brick, stone, and concrete masonry unit [CMU]), tile, and restoration projects that have emerged as a result of new code, energy, safety, and moisture control requirements. It assists with anchored masonry veneer, adhered veneer, rainscreen walls, flashing details, top of wall details, partition walls, column details, large-format tile, terrazzo details, and many other related wall systems.

H03−Symbiosis: The Importance of Collaboration between the Owner, Architect, and Contractor
Marvin Kemp
Symbiosis is defined as a close, prolonged relationship between two or more species. In construction, we have relationships of mutual benefit or dependence, too. This presentation compares two projects with varying levels of trust and interdependence. Using real-world examples, it points to specific red flags indicating potential problems.

H04−Understanding and Ending Moisture-related Flooring Problems
Peter Craig and Scott Tarr
Along with case studies, experts will address where moisture leading to flooring problems originates, how it moves and migrates, and how to protect concrete slabs-on-ground. The speakers discuss what can be done to avoid or correct a moisture-related flooring or coating problem.

H05−Beyond the 2015 Energy Code: Exceed IECC, Meet Local Regulations, and Make Buildings Better
Wendy Talarico
There are many ways to make buildings better, exceed code, stay within the budget, and even save owners money. Simple steps include effective use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), taking advantage
of commissioning and blower door testing, and increasing the efficiency of HVAC systems. This talk also explores resiliency, techniques for avoiding thermal bridging, and ways to ensure both more efficient insulation and better air barrier installation.

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