CONSTRUCT 2019: Innovative solutions for the built environment

9:20 a.m.−10:20 a.m.
WE06−Welcome to the ‘Vendor’ Jungle! – Moving from Vendor to Trusted Resource
Casey Robb and Paul Collyer
This session will focus on winning strategies for professional product representatives to enhance their relationships with design and construction professionals on the journey to becoming a trusted resource. Explore why strong growth periods create great construction markets, yet at the same time, become a real challenge to those trying to influence the results.

WE07−Design-Build: Contract Clauses of Practical Importance
Stephen ‘Rich’ Benton
The presenter will suggest clauses that need to be closely examined to develop clearer expectations among all participants to the contract. Participants will also explore the important questions that must be asked by the owner, contractor, and design professional.

WE08−Building a Better Curtain Wall
Alan Geary
Curtain wall design and installation will be presented with a focus on how component materials, system design, and quality control influence ultimate performance. The discussion will include stick-built and unitized systems. Commissioning, laboratory testing, installation observations, and field testing will also be shown as means to ensure project goals are met.

WE09−Quality Assurance: How a Firm’s Mantra of ‘Collective Expertise through Knowledge Sharing’ is Improving Quality
Matthew Porta and Mike Bensky
This program will share one firm’s deliberate and ongoing approach to increase the technical knowledge of an entire staff, address the technical quality of contract documents, and develop a culture of improvement, all in the pursuit of the elusive goal of the perfect set of contract documents.

WE10−Useful Waste: Re-purposing Construction Mockups
Julia Mollner
An initiative led by the Portland State University (PSU) Center for Public Interest Design, Useful Waste aims to reframe the industry’s view on construction waste. By repurposing a mockup that would end up in the landfill, a project team helps divert material, reduce landfill waste and embodied carbon impact from materials, assist project sustainable goals, and receive tax benefits.

10:35 a.m.−11:50 a.m.
WE11−Why You Need to Read Division 01 on Your Projects: The Rules of the Game
Anne Whitacre
The Division 01 requirements are the rules for the project for everybody involved, from specific requirements of the jobsite, right down to minute details like what time of day one can make extra noise and where to park. This session will cover the importance of reviewing and understanding Division 01.

WE12−Brick Masonry Rainscreen Façades
Brad Prestbo and Gerry Gutierrez
Water infiltration into brick masonry assemblies can corrode metal accessories, cause efflorescence on exterior surfaces, crack bricks and mortar joints through freeze-thaw cycles of trapped moisture, and damage interior finishes. This session will explore two primary approaches employed in today’s rainscreen designs to protect against rainwater infiltration.

WE13−Building Roofing Resilience: Defining Pathways Forward
Paul R. Bertram and Ellen Thorp
This session is based on key aspects of the first annual report on Building Roofing Resilience by the EPDM Roofing Association (ERA). The report is dedicated to delivering science-based technical and research support, providing dependable roofing solutions using ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) as an example.

WE14−Prefabricated/Modularized Construction in the Building Enclosure Industry
Peter Babaian
Prefabricated or modularized building enclosure panels are increasingly popular options for construction. This session will provide an overview of the current state of prefabrication for exterior walls, discuss the challenges of using these systems, and how to best specify these assemblies to overcome these challenges.

WE15−A Guide to Construction Contracts and Execution Methods
Jake Ortego and Antonio Fratangelo
This session will explore the execution methods and contract types across the construction industry. It will address misunderstood concepts, misused terms, and what level of confidence should be expected from the industry-accepted templates. It will also discuss the factors to consider when choosing a contract approach for a specific project.

On Friday, October 11, from 7 to 8:30 a.m., CSI Fellows are encouraged to attend the annual meeting to address the business issues of the College of Fellows. Registration is open to Fellows of the institute and the Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) Fellows.

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