1:25 p.m.−2:25 p.m.
WE16−Substitutions and Submittals: Not So Dirty Words
Michael Chambers
Substitutions and submittals are critical communication tools between the builder and designer. This program reviews these processes in detail and looks at strategies for successfully substituting and submitting products.
WE17−Specifying Interior Finishes: More than Just Color and Pattern
Ivette Bruns
This session will explore several types of interior finishes and information that is required from interior designers and product representatives to provide a complete and correct specification section. The session will also discuss installation and industry standards that should be referenced as well as coordination with other specification sections.
WE18−Mass Timber Construction – Construction Options for Mid- and High-rise Buildings
David Barber
This session will provide a practical introduction to mass timber construction, and explain the benefits, limitations, technical feasibilities, cost comparisons, and code-compliant solutions. Participants will leave with an understanding of whether mass timber can be used on a future project and the advantages of doing so.
WE19−Agile Concepts, LEAN Process: Application to Architectural Model Creation, Management, and Delivery
Marc Chavez
Agile concepts, and LEAN construction techniques developed over the past 30 years will help architects address the changing documentation and process problems of priority and requirement changes, task estimation, internal testing and error catching, as well as customer feedback.
WE20−The Future of Construction Administration
JoAnn Brookes
This session will explore how the changes in technology, communication, and expectations are impacting the architect’s role during the construction administration phase, and how to accurately define the line between the construction document and construction administration phases.
2:40 p.m.−3:40 p.m.
WE21−Learn from Real Life Lessons and Stories from the Road
T.J. Gottwalt
Have you ever wondered about what product representatives have to go through to get specified, or some of the good, the bad, and the ugly regarding sales calls on design professionals? This highly entertaining session will give real-life examples of what has worked, and not worked, for one particular product representative, with emphasis on the principles employed and lessons learned.
WE22−Lessons from the Grenfell Tower Fire – How U.S. Codes Regulate Foam Plastic Insulation and Exterior Wall Fire Safety
Lorraine Ross and Justin Koscher
This session will explore the resources available to ensure buildings in the United States are built and renovated to reduce fire incidents and losses in case of one. The speakers will highlight how codes and standards help create a system approach to controlling the use of foam plastic insulation products in commercial buildings and provide examples of approved assemblies in a variety of exterior walls for different construction configurations.
WE23−Why are Specifications so Hard?
Beth Stroshane
Like many complex systems, the practice of specifications is better understood once it is broken into its components. Once the smaller parts are understood, it becomes possible to manipulate those parts to make the system function more smoothly.
WE24−Oh No! What Did I Miss? How to Properly Specify an Air Barrier System
Ryan Dalgleish
This session will explore some of the consideration and language that should be reviewed prior to developing a specification and will outline code and performance requirements, what can be done for quality, and ensuring material selection meets the intent of design and for crucial coordination with other components of the enclosure.
WE25−One Team, One Build – Different Roles Working Towards a Common Goal
Michael Young
The intent of this session is to explore the roles and responsibilities of each project team member and identify why it is important to the success of a project that those roles and responsibilities are understood and respected.