TH09−Contractor Confessions to Help Improve your Specifications and Drawings
Corey Zussman
This session will identify important lessons from hundreds of construction projects to make the bidding and construction process smoother. Lessons will include life-safety issues, quality of interior air, and moisture protection.
TH10−AIA 2019 Documents: Understanding the Changing Roles of the Construction Manager
Lane J. Beougher and Robin Banks
Utilizing the AIA Construction Manager as Advisor (CMa) and Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) documents, participants will learn about the contractual relationships set forth in these agreements and how to properly allocate risks and responsibilities to achieve a successful project to the benefit of all participants, building inhabitants, and the public.
Friday, October 11
7:45 a.m.−8:45 a.m.
FR01−Gamification and Construction: Transcending the Way the Industry Motivates, Operates, and Trains Workers
Mark Ogg
Learn about the concept of gamification and how it is currently transcending the way the construction industry motivates, operates, and trains its workers.
FR02−An Assist with Design-assist and Delegated Design: Everybody’s Doing It, Should I?
Brian Perlberg and Paul James
Learn how the recently published ConsensusDocs 541 Design Assist Addendum provides the first industry standard tool for design-assist contracting. This session will also highlight practical tips on contract preparation, risk identification, and project performance regarding delegated design.
FR03−Did You Hear That?! Acoustical Performance Strategies in Multifamily Environments
Don Allen
From size, configuration, and quality of build to floor limitations and appearance, participants will take a deep dive into optimizing acoustical performance in various scenarios. This session will also highlight sound assemblies in mid-rise and multifamily buildings that create opportunities for better outcomes and quieter dwellings.
7:45 a.m.−9 a.m.
FR04−The Love/Hate Relationship of Moisture in Concrete Floor Slabs
Peter Craig and Scott Tarr
In this program, participants will learn how free-water in the concrete can abruptly change from a necessary component to become a contributor to drying shrinkage, slab curl, alkali silica reaction, and moisture-related flooring and coating problems.
FR05−Glazing Systems: Innies, Outies, and Tweenies
Joseph Lstiburek
How the exterior wall is water managed with continuous exterior insulation affects the location of the glazing systems in the plane of the wall. Is the glazing system located toward the interior of the assembly (an ‘innie’)? Is it located toward the exterior of the assembly (an ‘outie’)? Or is it located in the middle of the assembly (a ‘tweenie’)? How are water and air management addressed without causing issues relating to thermal bridging, structure, and fire?
2:45 p.m.−3:45 p.m.
FR06−Risks and Rewards: Contractual Relationships and the Construction Project
Brian Schoolman
The goal of this course is to explain some of the common delivery methods for construction projects, and then to explore which relationships are governed by contract and which are not. Finally, the course will discuss how a party addresses issues with those who are not in the contractual chain.
FR07−Stop Wasting Time! How to Orchestrate a Productive Meeting
Jake LaManna
This session will cover a few important steps on orchestrating productive meetings, including identifying the purpose of the meeting, applying the correct format, building a detailed agenda, starting the meeting on time, tailoring meeting notes, focusing and re-focusing the team, and finally, finishing the meeting early.
FR08−Clean Building – Innovative Advancements in Concrete Technology, Pavement and Roadway Materials
Kyhla Pollard
This session will explore several advancements in concrete technology, pavement and roadway systems, and 3D/4D printing of construction materials to determine how these technologies can be successfully incorporated into the responsible expansion of the built environment.
2:45 p.m.–4:15 p.m.
FR09−Specifications: Quality Control and Coordination
Michael Chambers
This session will explore specification procedures and techniques with the goal of ensuring quality control and coordination are accomplished as effectively as possible. Quality control tools will be reviewed in terms of effective application to project documents and construction.
FR10−Hybrid Enclosure Systems
Joseph Lstiburek
We have continuous insulation (ci), cavity insulation, and sheathing of various types. We have water control layers that are vapor open, vapor closed, and vapor in between. How do we make things work with all these options, in locations from Miami to Minneapolis and in-between? Do we really need vapor barriers, and if so, where should they go? Joseph Lstiburek has the answers.