Depending on the zone, current codes may also explicitly require the reduction of thermal bridging, which leaves little room for compromise when it comes to c.i. Therefore, it is essential for builders and contractors to be aware of the specific code requirements applicable to their specific geographic location.
While these building codes promote energy efficiency, they also pose challenges for builders. Finding alternative solutions that meet the stringent new code requirements will become more difficult. The 2021 building codes increasingly limit the types of alternative methods and materials available to contractors, pushing the industry toward the standardized use of c.i.
The 2021 codes represent a change in the construction industry, where reliance on c.i. will challenge builders to meet higher standards and explore new, innovative solutions. These codes are only now beginning to see full enforcement, so many builders and contractors can still elevate their knowledge and locate the right partners to avoid any complications that could arise from projects not meeting the updated codes.
Prescriptive versus performance
Builders face a critical choice between two paths to meet building code requirements for c.i.: the prescriptive path and the performance path. The prescriptive path offers a straightforward approach, in which builders must adhere to predefined guidelines, such as insulation R-values, window U-factors, and HVAC system efficiency ratings, with less room for customization.
This path offers the following advantages:
- Simplicity–It does not require the same level of modeling expertise as the performance path. Builders are able to follow predetermined guidelines and requirements.
- Compliance assurance–Compliance with building codes and standards is easier to demonstrate, as the requirements are clearly defined.

This path also offers the following challenges:
- Limited flexibility–It may not be the most efficient choice for all projects, as it can limit the ability to customize solutions. This can be a significant challenge when aiming to optimize energy efficiency through advanced strategies like c.i.
- Limited savings–Builders may also miss out on cost and energy savings opportunities that could be realized with a more customized strategy.
The performance path is based on flexibility and customization, allowing builders to use innovative and tailored approaches to meet energy goals. This path considers various factors such as climate, occupancy, and equipment, to determine the building’s actual energy consumption and its compliance with prescribed standards. This path offers the following advantages: