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Does Anyone Pre-qualify Bidders or Subcontractors Anymore?
Earlier in my career, it used to be pretty common that we would pre-qualify bidders for some portions of the work, especially if we wanted something that was visible (or a featured item) in the finished project. Wood veneer casework was a common restricted bid list, and sometimes precast concrete was another one. This was for bid projects back in those days. We now have “experience” requirements written into some spec sections, but sometimes we are precluded from even doing that. Does anyone pre-qualify bidders anymore?
—Anne Whitacre,
In New Hampshire and Massachusetts, I have mainly seen plenty of prequalified subcontractors being required. In Massachusetts, on the public projects, all main/large subs need to be prequalified via a special state agency. On private projects, of course owners and the owner’s reps can do what they want for the most part. But, in general, I would say prequalifying subcontractors is a fairly smart idea.
—Ken Lambert, CSI