by arslan_ahmed | August 3, 2023 11:11 am
Register Today! The 2023 national conference agenda is now available
It’s that time of the year. Get ready to become a master of change at the CSI National Conference 2023: October 4 to 6, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
There are still spots available for this exciting, timely, career-enhancing event. Attendees will get a firsthand look at how organizations are effectively leveraging relationships and tapping into the fullest contributions of diverse stakeholders and realizing greater success.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) advocate Dr. Brandi Baldwin, the CEO of Millennial Ventures, will be on the main stage in Minneapolis to tell you how in her keynote address, “Leveraging Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Business Results.”
Baldwin’s business success has afforded her an opportunity to speak at more than 200 companies both nationally and internationally to share her unconventional insights regarding the future of work, leadership, diversity, and inclusion. Her client list boasts companies such as Google, Fast Company, Comcast, Discover, Salesforce, and the federal government.
She is also setting the record straight about DE&I on her “Diversity & Confusion” podcast, hosting cutting-edge content on, and has authored two books, Put in Work and Authentic Ally, which organizations purchase to support their employee development efforts.
So, what does this mean for the future of the construction specifications industry? You will have to be there to find out.
Check out the entire education agenda and reserve your place at this once-a-year event by visiting[1].
CSI-Connect Community—AECO professionals share their experience and advice
The CSI-Connect Community Forum is a go-to resource where architecture, engineering, construction, and owner (AECO) community professionals can connect in real-time and ask each other for advice about specific projects.
Here is just one of several timely conversations you may want to follow—and contribute to—right now. You can also post your own question to start up
a conversation with other friendly, experienced professionals to share
their advice.
Does Anyone Pre-qualify Bidders or Subcontractors Anymore?
Earlier in my career, it used to be pretty common that we would pre-qualify bidders for some portions of the work, especially if we wanted something that was visible (or a featured item) in the finished project. Wood veneer casework was a common restricted bid list, and sometimes precast concrete was another one. This was for bid projects back in those days. We now have “experience” requirements written into some spec sections, but sometimes we are precluded from even doing that. Does anyone pre-qualify bidders anymore?
—Anne Whitacre,
In New Hampshire and Massachusetts, I have mainly seen plenty of prequalified subcontractors being required. In Massachusetts, on the public projects, all main/large subs need to be prequalified via a special state agency. On private projects, of course owners and the owner’s reps can do what they want for the most part. But, in general, I would say prequalifying subcontractors is a fairly smart idea.
—Ken Lambert, CSI
The secret to attracting millennials and Gen Zers
Attracting and retaining employees is the number one challenge for businesses, and research shows 27 percent of the labor in the U.S. will retire over the next five years. So, what is the secret for those contractors who continue to attract Millennials and Gen Zers while retaining their current top talent?
Jack of all trades and 2023 CSI National Conference closing keynote speaker, Mark Matteson, will share how innovation, implementing new strategies, and getting out of your comfort zone will help you attract and retain good employees.
The lessons and tips shared will not only help you in your quest for those employees but in your daily lives. There will also be some special surprises
in store for those who attend.
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