Diversity and gender equity improving: NCARB

by sadia_badhon | September 6, 2019 10:36 am

The National Council of Architectural Registration Board’s (NCARB's) releases annual report on the pursuit of architectural licensure. Image courtesy NCARB[1]
The National Council of Architectural Registration Board’s (NCARB’s) releases annual report on the pursuit of architectural licensure.
Image courtesy NCARB

The National Council of Architectural Registration Board’s[2] (NCARB’s) annual report provides new insights into the makeup of candidates and metrics relating to the pursuit of architectural licensure.

The 2019 NCARB by the Numbers reveals updates on the number of U.S. architects, the time it takes to earn a license, diversity in the profession, analysis on attrition along the path to licensure, and a look-back at historical data celebrating the organization’s 100-year history.

For the first time, the report includes data—gathered in partnership with Benenson Strategy Group[3]—exploring the public perception of licensure and regulation.

Key findings include several record-setting or near-record statistics:

The Benenson survey on public perception of licensure and regulation involved nearly 1000 registered voters. Participants revealed 76 percent of the public agree professional licensing makes consumers feel safe, and 88 percent believe architects should be regulated.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Opener.jpg
  2. National Council of Architectural Registration Board’s: https://www.ncarb.org/
  3. Benenson Strategy Group: https://www.bsgco.com/

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/diversity-and-gender-equity-improving-ncarb/