DuPont™ Tedlar® PVF film has been proven effective in protecting a variety of surfaces for over 60 years, including metal in highly corrosive and demanding exterior applications around the world. When laminated to metal coil, Tedlar® provides superior performance to other premium industrial coatings.
Tedlar® is extremely resistant to chemicals and is highly flexible, forming to any panel shape without compromising film integrity on even the sharpest bends. Tedlar® has the best available warranties without coastal restrictions and is ideal for projects requiring very high UV and corrosion resistance, including structures built within 1500 feet of the ocean.
Tedlar® is produced in the United States and in stock, making it an excellent solution for today’s metal building industry. Known for offering long-lasting aesthetic protection for architectural applications, Tedlar® is available in a range of popular colors and can preserve and extend a building’s appearance for decades with almost no maintenance required.