E-book: There is more to steel doors than meets the eye

by Cindy Macdonald | June 25, 2018 2:15 pm

Red steel door set in masonry walls.
Blast protection has become an area of focus in defense and federal building structural design. Read more in the Specialty Doors e-book.
Photo courtesy Allegion

Hollow steel doors can meet a number of performance requirements by using their flexibility with core type and construction techniques. Acoustic performance is one example, blast resistance is another.

A discussion of specifying steel doors is one of several articles in The Construction Specifier’s downloadable e-book, “Step into the World of Specialty Doors.”

The magazine’s series of sponsored e-books continues with a look at the design and specification of specialty doors for both interior and exterior applications. From case studies to discussions of codes and standards, this curated collection of technical articles from The Construction Specifier looks at specialty doors from all angles.

Read about how construction performance standards apply to interior doors, including architectural wood doors. This collection also explains how door and hardware selection can reduce noise levels, increase security, and improve patient safety in healthcare facilities.

Download the “Step into the World of Specialty Doors” e-book in two different formats—pdf or digital edition—by visiting https://www.constructionspecifier.com/ebook/krieger-step-into-the-world-of-specialty-doors-e-book[1]


  1. https://www.constructionspecifier.com/ebook/krieger-step-into-the-world-of-specialty-doors-e-book: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/ebook/krieger-step-into-the-world-of-specialty-doors-e-book

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/e-book-there-is-more-to-steel-doors-than-meets-the-eye/