Federal grants unfairly promote wood: Construction associations

by sadia_badhon | May 28, 2019 11:19 am

Construction industry groups urge the White House to review federal funding for building materials research and projects. Photo © www.bigstockphoto.com[1]
Construction industry groups urge the White House to review federal funding for building materials research and projects.
Photo © www.bigstockphoto.com

Several construction industry groups have asked Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council (NEC), to review the use of taxpayer dollars to fund projects that supposedly promote one building material over others.

The American Concrete Pumping Association[2] (ACPA), American Institute of Steel Construction[3] (AISC), American Iron and Steel Institute[4] (AISI), California Construction and Industrial Materials Association[5] (CalCIMA), Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute[6] (CRSI), National Concrete Masonry Association[7] (NCMA), National Ready Mixed Concrete Association[8] (NRMCA), Oregon Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association[9] (OCAPA), Portland Cement Association[10] (PCA), Steel Framing Industry Association[11] (SFIA), and Steel Manufacturers Association[12] (SMA) communicated disappointment at the U.S. Department of Agriculture[13]’s (USDA’s) awarding of more than $8.9 million in federal funds for 29 projects designed to expand markets for wood products, particularly mass timber, for building construction.

While acknowledging the increase in cross-laminated timber (CLT) projects domestically in recent years, the joint letter by the associations expressed concern about key questions that still exist about the performance of CLT on a large scale.

“While it is important to resolve the answers to these concerns, it is not appropriate for the federal government to provide funding to obtain them, nor to provide funding to advance those materials in the marketplace while those questions exist,” the letter says.

“We hope you agree that these grants unfairly promote, at taxpayer expense, one building material—mass timber—in the construction materials marketplace. This would advance an unbalanced promotional program for only timber products. In any event, the federal government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers among competing materials in the construction marketplace by so blatantly putting its thumb on the scale in favor of wood products,” the letter concludes.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Opener-14.jpg
  2. American Concrete Pumping Association: https://www.concretepumpers.com/
  3. American Institute of Steel Construction: https://www.aisc.org/
  4. American Iron and Steel Institute: https://www.steel.org/
  5. California Construction and Industrial Materials Association: https://www.calcima.org/
  6. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute: https://www.crsi.org/
  7. National Concrete Masonry Association: https://ncma.org/
  8. National Ready Mixed Concrete Association: https://www.nrmca.org/
  9. Oregon Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association: https://www.ocapa.net/
  10. Portland Cement Association: https://www.cement.org/
  11. Steel Framing Industry Association: https://sfia.memberclicks.net/
  12. Steel Manufacturers Association: http://steelnet.org/
  13. U.S. Department of Agriculture: https://www.usda.gov/

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/federal-grants-unfairly-promote-wood-construction-associations/