Fire safety: Free e-book lists seven questions to ask

Clear, wireless fire-rated glazing products provide fire protection and high impact safety.
Photo courtesy TGP

When fire-rated doors are not on duty combatting a fire, millions of people will pass through them without even realizing they provide fire protection. When specified with fire-rated glazing, they can also help preserve sight lines and support aesthetic goals. During a building fire, properly functioning fire-rated door assemblies play a critical role in providing occupants with safe means of egress.

While specifying fire-rated glazing in fire doors is typically not an overly complex process, building and design professionals may not be familiar with the nuances of this life-safety product.

The seven questions to ask when specifying fire-rated glazing in fire doors are covered in the Fire Safety Strategies e-book, the latest in The Construction Specifier’s series of sponsored e-books.

Fire Safety Strategies provides a multifaceted look at fire behavior in buildings and designing for occupant safety. This four-part e-book covers perimeter fire protection, fire-rated glazing and smoke control.

Readers will learn how ineffective curtain wall design, perimeter void fire protections, or spandrel protection can allow fire to spread to adjacent floors at the exterior wall. Plus, fire resistance of wall assemblies is discussed, and read how fire protection engineers and computer modeling can play an integral role in design and commissioning of smoke control systems performance.

Download the Fire Safety Strategies e-book in two different formats—pdf or digital edition—by visiting


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