Free app makes health screening easy at jobsites

by sadia_badhon | June 23, 2020 6:23 am

Free app provides easy onsite health screening and contact tracing. Photo courtesy BuildCenter[1]
Free app provides easy onsite health screening and contact tracing.
Photo courtesy BuildCenter

As the construction industry reopens in California and across the United States, BuildCenter[2], a software spinoff from COBE Construction, Inc., is offering a free health screening tool and attendance log. The app helps all construction companies meet critical mandates set by many local health agencies.

The app aims to get the construction industry moving again while preventing, identifying, and tracing potential COVID-19 infections. One requirement is to assign a designated person on each jobsite to maintain a daily attendance log and perform a health assessment on workers and visitors before they enter the jobsite.

The app also enables ‘contact tracing’ by making it easy to identify and notify anyone who is exposed.

  1. [Image]:
  2. BuildCenter:

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