Free e-book looks at architectural coatings

The magazine’s series of sponsored e-books continues with a discussion on architectural coatings. Photo courtesy Hoffman Architects Inc.
The magazine’s series of sponsored e-books continues with a discussion on architectural coatings.
Photo courtesy Hoffman Architects Inc.

Architectural paints and coatings have a long history of application across a wide range of construction and surface types, yet they are among the most misunderstood and misused of building materials. Originating in European traditions, architectural painting in North America experienced a dramatic shift in the mid-19th century, when mass production and the growth of the petrochemical industry changed both the products themselves and the specialized trade that had developed for their preparation and application.

The development of synthetic resins, artificial pigments, and other technological advances has improved the stability, ease of application, and availability of paints and coatings to the degree it can seem unnecessary to employ skilled labor to apply such failsafe products. However, understanding these products in terms of their properties and behavior seems to demand an advanced degree in chemical sciences, with the array of components so vast and their names so technical and esoteric.

In the latest edition of a series of free, downloadable e-books, an article from the pages of The Construction Specifier seeks to demystify the field of architectural coatings, and, by so doing, improve outcomes in the removal, selection, and application of paints, waterproofing coatings, protective products, and other surface treatments. To get your copy, visit

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