Going beyond limits at Construct 2016

7:30 a.m.−8:30 a.m.

F01−Sweet Suites: The Transformation of Today’s Offices Into Highly Designed, Multi-functional Spaces
Christopher Grubb
Commercial space is, in many ways, the face of a company. Over the last decade, offices have transitioned into highly creative spaces that make a lasting impression on employees and customers alike. The presenter will use his own projects to illustrate how locations from medical facilities to corporate high-rises have evolved to contain unique and luxurious elements.

F02−Approving & Selecting Building Products With Confidence: What Specifiers Should Look for in Evaluation Reports
William Gould and Mike Temesvary
This International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES) session helps construction specifiers better understand the process of developing building product evaluation reports and building product listings. Understanding the evaluation process for International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC) compliance helps improve the overall construction process, and provides construction specifiers with confidence when specifying or approving a building product for installation on their projects.

F03−Understanding Firestop Joints: Dynamic Head-of-Wall
Corey Zussman
Many top-of-the-wall fire joints are incorrectly installed, with the wrong material or installation practices. This presentation discusses all aspects of a dynamic head-of-wall fire stopping joint and explains how to calculate, choose, and specify the correct tested assembly. It also examines the documentation coming with a tested fire joint system or an engineering judgment.

W10−Designing for Good
Christopher O’Hara
This presentation discusses pro-bono work based on the experiences of Studio NYL across the Western United States and Africa. Although the benefits to the public and the designers are clear, the projects present challenges on both a technical building level and a business/management one.

Close out the week with CSI Night Out—the best party at CONSTRUCT! On Friday, September 9, walk on over to join friends and colleagues at the legendary Maggie Mae’s for live music, appetizers, and entertainment overlooking Austin’s famous Sixth Street. While there, make sure to check out the rock ’n’ roll memorabilia in the Gibson Guitar Lounge. CSI Night Out is included in some CONSTRUCT registration packages, or individual tickets can be purchased prior to the event for $50 at www.constructshow.com. Follow along on Twitter with #CSINightOut. (The event is sponsored by Tao Group [Platinum], Behr [Gold], Smart Vent [Silver], and CSDA, Dodge, Tnemec [Bronze].)

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