8:45 a.m.−9:45 a.m.
F04−Clear as Glass: Writing Correct Window Specifications
Ken Modeen
Window specifications must be clear and precise to maintain material and labor budgets, avoid project delays, ensure performance of the finished product, and protect liability. This program addresses the ‘when,’ ‘what,’ ‘how,’ and ‘why’ questions about well-written window specifications, examines often-overlooked elements that can misrepresent products, dissects actual project specs to uncover where they might fall short, and suggests best practices.
F05−Dangerous Buildings: Why Moisture Matters
Cheryl Ciecko and Edward Close
This program examines possible health consequences of moisture damage, while addressing assessment of indoor air quality (IAQ), discovery of toxin sources, prevention and elimination of mold and bacteria, along with maintenance strategies. Mechanics of moisture movement, moisture-resistant design, construction, and material considerations are analyzed, along with case study examples.
F06−Hacking the Built Environment: How to Use Technology to Change How We Make ‘Stuff’
Damon Hernandez
This presentation showcases various technological developments and project examples using cutting-edge technology tools and building systems without breaking the bank. It reveals how members of the design community are experimenting with technology in a low-risk environment called the AECHackathon.
F07−Building Renovation: Organizing the Chaos
Robert Titus
This session is designed to explore what makes renovations such a challenge; it provides constructive ideas regarding the approach and execution of successful projects from a design, technical, and cost standpoint. Basic concepts and strategies give attendees an understanding of how to approach renovation work on a nuts-and-bolts level.
On Thursday, September 8, CSI members and friends will gather to honor the 2016 award-winners. The ceremony will include the bestowal of Distinguished Membership, the Fellowship investiture, and the presentation of several Institute awards—including an accolade for The Construction Specifier’s Article of the Year. Details on the winners can be found at www.csinet.org/honorsandawards. Immediately following the ceremony, CSI will host the Celebration of Fellows reception. (There is a nominal fee for the reception, but the ceremony is open for all at no charge. To register for both events, visit www.constructshow.com.) Follow along on Twitter with hashtags #CSIHonors, #CSIAwards, and #FCSI. (The CSI Honors & Awards Ceremony is sponsored by National Gypsum, while the CSI Celebration of Fellows is sponsored by ATAS and Sherwin Williams.) |