Heatherwick Studio-designed Vessel closes to public indefinitely after third suicide

by sadia_badhon | January 19, 2021 6:52 am

Vessel, the centerpiece of the Hudson Yards Public Square and Gardens in New York City, closes after a 21-year-old Texas man commits suicide by jumping off of the sculpture. Photo courtesy Timothy Schenck[1]
Vessel, the centerpiece of the Hudson Yards Public Square and Gardens in New York City, closes after a 21-year-old Texas man commits suicide by jumping off of the sculpture.
Photo courtesy Timothy Schenck

Designed by Heatherwick Studio[2], Vessel, the centerpiece of the Hudson Yards Public Square and Gardens in New York City, is closed to the public after a 21-year-old Texas man committed suicide by jumping off of the sculpture. This is the third suicide from the artwork in less than a year.

His death comes a few weeks after a 24-year-old woman from Brooklyn took her life by jumping off from the art piece on December 21. The first suicide at the Vessel happened last February when a 19-year-old New Jersey man jumped from the structure, the New York Times[3] reports.

The 46-m (150-ft) structure is described as an urban landmark comprising 154 intricately-interconnecting flights of stairs, 2500 individual steps, and 80 landings. Rising from a base that is 15 m (50 ft) in diameter, Vessel offered the public a 1.6-km (1-mi) vertical climbing experience and some of the most unique views of the West Side when Hudson Yards opens in early 2019.

“A spokesperson for Related Companies[4], the developer of Hudson Yards, said that the structure was ‘temporarily closed’ and that the firm was consulting with suicide-prevention experts, including psychiatrists, about how to limit the potential for more suicides. But the chairman of the local community board said in an interview on Tuesday that a Related Companies representative had called him shortly after the suicide on Monday and had said the Vessel would stay closed ‘until further notice,’” as per the New York Times.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Opener-20.jpg
  2. Heatherwick Studio: http://www.heatherwick.com/
  3. New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/
  4. Related Companies: https://www.related.com/

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/heatherwick-studios-designed-vessel-closes-to-public-indefinitely-after-third-suicide/