Honoring decorative designs at World of Concrete

by Samantha Ashenhurst | February 9, 2018 4:29 pm

Designed by T.B. Penick & Sons, the Atlanta Botanical Garden received the Decorative Concrete Council’s top prize.
Photos courtesy ASCC

Last month, the Decorative Concrete Council[2] (DCC), a specialty council of the American Society of Concrete Contractors[3] (ASCC), announced the winners of its 10th annual Decorative Concrete Awards competition at World of Concrete[4] in Las Vegas.

T.B. Penick & Sons[5] won the Wow! Award, recognizing the best overall project, for the Atlanta Botanical Garden[6] in Georgia’s Storza Woods. The design also received first place honors in the category of Concrete Artistry (under 5000 sf), as well as a second place award in the Cast-in-Place Special Finishes (under 5000 sf) division. T.B. Penick & Sons also received recognition for its Unity Plaza project in San Diego, which won the first place for Concrete Artistry (over 5000 sf) and second place in the Stained Concrete (over 5000 sf) category.

Trademark Concrete Systems received first place in the Stained (over 5000 sf) category.

Other first place winners include:

For a complete list of winners, click here[15].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1st-Concrete-Artistry-under-5000-1.jpg
  2. Decorative Concrete Council: https://www.ascconline.org/decorative-concrete-council/overview
  3. American Society of Concrete Contractors: https://www.ascconline.org/
  4. World of Concrete: https://www.worldofconcrete.com/en/attendee.html
  5. T.B. Penick & Sons: http://www.tbpenick.com/
  6. Atlanta Botanical Garden: http://atlantabg.org/
  7. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1st-Stained-over-5000.jpg
  8. Royale Concrete: https://royaleconcrete.com/
  9. Heavy Duty Truck Repair Shop: https://royaleconcrete.com/project/heavy-duty-truck-repair-shop/
  10. Hyde Concrete: https://www.hydeconcrete.com/
  11. 80 M Street Lobby: https://www.hydeconcrete.com/80-m-street-lobby/
  12. Largo Concrete: http://www.largoconcrete.com/
  13. Trademark Concrete Systems: http://www.trademarkconcrete.com/
  14. Decorative Concrete Resurfacing: http://decorativeconcreteresurfacing.weebly.com/
  15. here: https://www.ascconline.org/Portals/0/Press%20Releases/DCC%202018%20Awards.pdf?ver=2018-01-30-150530-580

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/honoring-decorative-designs-world-concrete/