Honoring exceptional achievements in metal construction

by Carly Midgley | February 24, 2017 12:33 pm

This month, the Metal Construction Association[1] (MCA) announced the winners of its 2016 Triumph Awards. Intended to honor outstanding members of the metal construction industry, the awards span six categories. Two winners were named for this year’s Industry Champion of the Year Award.

The first of the two, Scott Kriner, has experience as a technical director and consultant with MCA, where he has worked for the past 13 years, though he began his career at Bethlehem Steel. He has 35 years of varied experience in metal construction, having worked on hot-dip coatings, pretreatments, and paints, and started his own consulting business in 2006. During his career, Kriner has authored various papers, including a column[2] and feature[3] for The Construction Specifier in 2008 and 2011, respectively.

A past contributor to The Construction Specifier, Scott Kriner (left), was one of this year’s recipients of the Metal Construction Association’s (MCA’s) Industry Champion of the Year Award. He is pictured here with presenter Rob Haddock (right).
Photo © McBoat Photography

The other Champion of the Year Award winner, Brian Partyka, is an elected member of MCA’s executive committee. At age 21, Partyka has been part of Drexel Metals Inc. for a large portion of the company’s life. He is a member of various committees and councils, including the National Roofing Contractors Association’s (NRCA’s) Industry Advisory Board, CEO Advisory Council for the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, and MCA’s Market Development and Statistics Committees (both of which he chairs). Partyka also makes educational contributions such as publishing trade articles and teaching about how metal can be used to reduce heat gain in structures.

Other winners included:

Anyone in the metal industry is welcome to nominate next year’s winners on the MCA or Metalcon sites. Winners will be announced at Metalcon 2017 in Las Vegas this October.

  1. Metal Construction Association: http://www.metalconstruction.org/
  2. column: http://www.kenilworth.com/publications/cs/de/200808/files/18.html?_ga=1.217296853.274733166.1475590332
  3. feature: http://www.kenilworth.com/publications/cs/de/201106/files/56.html?_ga=1.217296853.274733166.1475590332
  4. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/scottkriner-robhaddock-jpg-229060-original.jpg
  5. designandbuildwithmetal.com: http://designandbuildwithmetal.com/
  6. Metalcon: http://www.metalcon.com/metalcon17/public/enter.aspx

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/honoring-exceptional-achievements-in-metal-construction/