Honoring outstanding North American copper projects

by Samantha Ashenhurst | June 25, 2018 2:25 pm

Holbrook PreK-12 School in Massachusetts, which features a pre-patina copper panel system, received a North American Copper in Architecture award in the New Construction category. Photo © Robert Benson Photography[1]
Holbrook PreK-12 School in Massachusetts, which features a pre-patina copper panel system, received a North American Copper in Architecture award in the New Construction category.
Photo © Robert Benson Photography

Fifteen projects across the United States and Canada were recognized for outstanding application of architectural copper and copper alloys at the 2018 North American Copper in Architecture[2] (NACIA) awards, presented by the Copper Development Association[3] (CDA) and the Canadian Copper & Brass Development Association[4] (CCBDA). The awards program celebrated a range of building types, including educational facilities, government buildings, and religious structures.

Bradford County Courthouse in Pennsylvania was praised for its recent roof replacement. Photo courtesy Charles F. Evans Company, Inc.[5]
Bradford County Courthouse in Pennsylvania was praised for its recent roof replacement.
Photo courtesy Charles F. Evans Company, Inc.

Among this year’s winners was Holbrook PreK-12 School in Massachusetts, which was honored in the New Construction category. Designed by Flansburgh Architects[6], the front curve of the 20,193-m2 (217,353-sf) facility features a distinctive pre-patina copper panel system, encompassing nearly 50 percent of its exterior surface. More than 11,500 interlocking panels cover 3066 m2 (33,000 sf) of the building’s envelope.

“Architects and contractors continue to develop innovative and impressive designs that speak to copper’s formability, durability, and unique weathering characteristics,” said Stephen Knapp, director of CDA’s Strip, Sheet, & Plate Council. “Copper may be referred to as mankind’s oldest metal, but it certainly is not antiquated. In fact, as green building trends continue, we expect specification of copper to increase in order to meet various sustainable building standards.”

Bradford County Courthouse in Towanda, Pennsylvania, was recognized in NACIA’s Renovation/Restoration category for its recent roof replacement. Architects from Hunt Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors[7] selected batten seam copper roofing as the replacement material due to its long service life, appropriateness for the structure’s historic era, and ability to retain snow. The installation, which also included ornamental applications, incorporated more than 17 tonnes (19 tons) of copper.

Other winners include:

New Construction


Ornamental Applications

To read more about the winners, click here[19].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/edit_Holbrook-School-credit.jpg
  2. North American Copper in Architecture: https://www.copper.org/applications/architecture/awards/
  3. Copper Development Association: https://www.copper.org/about/
  4. Canadian Copper & Brass Development Association: http://www.coppercanada.ca/
  5. [Image]: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/edit_bradford-courthouse-ae.jpg
  6. Flansburgh Architects: http://flansburgh.com/
  7. Hunt Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors: https://www.hunt-eas.com/
  8. Gensler: https://www.gensler.com/
  9. SHoP Architects: http://www.shoparc.com/
  10. CollinsWoerman: http://www.collinswoerman.com/
  11. GEC Architecture: https://www.gecarchitecture.com/
  12. Zimmerman Workshop Architecture + Design: http://www.zimmermanworkshop.com/
  13. Humphries Poli Architects: http://hparch.com/
  14. Jan Hird Pokorny Associates: http://jhpokorny.com/
  15. +VG Architects–The Ventin Group: http://www.ventingroup.com/
  16. Arcop: http://arcop.co.in/
  17. Fournier Gersovitz Moss Drolet Architects: http://evoqarchitecture.com/
  18. A. Zahner Company: https://www.azahner.com/
  19. here: https://www.copper.org/applications/architecture/awards/winners.html

Source URL: https://www.constructionspecifier.com/honoring-outstanding-north-american-copper-projects/