While all certifications measure the amount of VOCs in flooring products, only the asthma & allergy friendly certification program takes a holistic view, in that it accounts for the total installation (product and adhesive), including VOCs, allergen removal, and particulate release into the air during cleaning.16
The author’s company has found the program’s VOC measurement tests, which occur 24 hours after installation and again after 14 days, accurately measures emission levels, reflecting the impact on the indoor environment before occupation and once the space is fully occupied. Allergen removal tests use manufacturer’s recommended cleaning methods and products to get accurate results for day-to-day users.
Flooring that supports good IAQ
From flooring manufacturers to designers to facility owners, everyone plays a role in ensuring floors support the wellness of the occupants. The transparency provided by third-party certifications is key. Choosing floor coverings that are certified for low levels of VOCs, are resistant to dust accumulation and mold, and are easy to clean and maintain without harsh chemicals helps establish healthy IAQ from the moment the floor is installed.
1 Juarez, Disly, and Kerry Weiss. “Asthma and Allergies on the Rise in the U.S.” Healthline, www.healthline.com/health-news/children-allergies-and-asthma-on-the-rise-110813.
2 “Control Indoor Allergens.” Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, aafa.org/allergies/prevent-allergies/control-indoor-allergens.
3 “The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality.” Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/inside-story-guide-indoor-air-quality.
4 See note 3.
5 See note 3.
6 “How to Improve Indoor Air Quality.” Allergy & Asthma Network, allergyasthmanetwork.org/how-to-improve-indoor-air-quality.
7 “FAQ.” SixClasses.org, www.sixclasses.org/faq.
8 Watch the introduction video at SixClasses.org, www.sixclasses.org/videos.
9 “Improving Indoor Air Quality.” EPA,
10 See note 8.
11 See note 8.
12 “Understanding Antimicrobial Ingredients in Building Materials.” Perkins&Will and Healthy Building Network, perkinswill.com/whitepaper-antimicrobial-ingredients-in-building-matierals/.
13 See note 8.
14 Learn about formaldehyde, www.epa.gov/formaldehyde/facts-aboutformaldehyde.
15 “‘Hypoallergenic’ Cosmetics.” U.S. Food and
Drug Administration, www.fda.gov/cosmetics/cosmetics-labeling-claims/hypoallergenic-cosmetics.
16 Asthma and Allergy Friendly Certification Program.