How insulated metal panels help achieve protection and aesthetics

Case study: Las Vegas Courthouse

In Las Vegas, Nevada, new buildings, which are constantly rising as part of the ever-changing skyline, typically consist of casinos, resorts, and hotels. When the City of Las Vegas envisioned a new courthouse, the shorter two-story structure was designed to make an impression and serve the community as an attractive, sustainable facility. Upon arrival, visitors are greeted by metal walls and glazing, including an entry canopy constructed with IMPs.

Architects designed a courthouse compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and municipal buildings, while providing an efficient structure where employees would enjoy working and serving the community.

“IMPs were chosen because the R-value they offered for building envelope efficiency and performance,” says Lance Berrey, senior associate at PGAL, Las Vegas, who was also the contractor on the project. “Additionally, the panels helped create a smooth, contemporary facade that fit the aesthetic of a new modern and forward-thinking municipal court.”

More than 1950 m2 (21,000 sf) of 50.8-mm (2-in.) IMPs comprise the entryway of the courthouse, delivering an R-value of 17.5 for the facility. The flat profile of the panels improves the performance of the building and enhances the interior for staff and visitors.

The IMPs make up the canopy and most of the exterior walls of the building and are integrated with a glass curtain wall at the entrance for a warm and inviting entryway.

Enduring performance

Choosing IMPs for a building’s facade is a sound investment, as they deliver environmentally conscious materials, construction efficiencies, energy savings, longevity, enduring aesthetics, and more. In an evolving construction market which requires sustainable, high-performing, and eye-catching building materials, IMPs are a single-component solution for the built environment.

IMPs deliver a comfortable interior space for occupants without thermal energy loss and moisture penetration, exactly how a thermos keeps water cold without creating condensation on the outside. The increased thermal protection and reduced air leakage ensures a protected building envelope.


Kevin Franz is the southeast business development manager at Metl-Span, a Nucor company. With more than 28 years of experience in architecture, and the past 21 of those as a registered architect in the state of North Carolina, Franz has worked on a diversified collection of projects including the urban high-rise, retail, healthcare, multi-family, and major industrial building types. He is also a member of AIA, and accredited in NCARB, BECxP, CxA+BE, USGBC and GBCI, CSI, and CDT. His experience as an architect and his technical knowledge of insulated metal panels (IMPs) allows him to provide an elevated level of design assistance, specification development, product research, and public presentation.

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