How to specify masonry veneer wall systems described in free e-book

The CAED Building at Kent State University.
Photo courtesy Kent State University.

A masonry cavity wall system is expected to manage moisture, air, and heat, contain fire, and hold up the structure itself. For a wall to perform all these functions, specifications should include all the products necessary for the components to work together.

Specifying a complete wall system with all the components tested and warrantied together can offer many advantages to the design professional, especially in the area of risk management. It is incumbent on specifiers to ensure all the components they choose have been tested together to document system performance requirements.

This and other challenges related to building enclosures are covered in the newest volume in The Construction Specifier’s series of free, downloadable e-books. “Evolution of Building Enclosures” is a curated collection of magazine articles with topics ranging from cavity wall design and specifying masonry wall systems to dealing with moisture in roof decks. The e-book also includes a look at the durability of tapes and flashing.

Download the “Evolution of Building Enclosures” e-book in two different formats—pdf or digital edition—by visiting

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