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The International Code Council (ICC) has released its 2021 International Plumbing Code (IPC) and International Mechanical Code (IMC).
The IPC and IMC are revised on a three-year cycle through IIC’s consensus code development process that draws on the expertise of hundreds of plumbing, mechanical, building, and safety experts from across North America. With updates every three years, building codes allow for ongoing consideration of new technologies and scientific understandings.
“It is critical for our codes to adapt to new building practices, technologies, and societal needs. Our 2021 IPC and IMC take these needs into consideration and aim to promote safety above all else,” said Dominic Sims, CBO, code council chief executive officer. “Construction is ever-evolving, and how we prepare trades professionals matters more now than ever.”
The 2021 additions/updates to IPC include:
- multiple-user toilet facilities to serve all genders are now permitted;
- two new methods for relining/rehabilitation of existing sewers have been added;
- accommodations for mounted rooftop solar panels over vent terminals have been added; and
- the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) B805/ICC 805, Rainwater harvesting systems, is now allowed as an alternative design method.
The 2021 additions/updates to IMC include:
- clothes dryer exhaust terminals are now required to be at least 1 m (3 ft) from any opening into a building;
- polyurethane spray-applied foam on the exterior of ducts in attics and crawl spaces is now required to meet specific smoke and flame index limits;
- fire and smoke dampers must now be provided with approved access for inspection and maintenance; and
- refrigerant tables now include new refrigerants.
The 2021 IPC and IMC are currently available for pre-order and will be widely available in print and digitally in March. Related provisions of the ICC A117.1-2017, Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, will be included as a resource in the 2021 IPC.