No health inspectors are required, and any warranties for the product outside of a typical one-year performance warranty some manufacturers offer on their products is usually negotiated by the contractor as part of the bidding process. Most of these lines that are being rehabilitated for in-building rehabilitation are sanitary lines, which is the focus of this article. All warranties are negotiated as part of the deal. It could be two years, three years, or whatever is dictated by the bid documents and the requirements of the job in the specifications.
Once the vertical stacks are restored, the individual branch and drain lines are addressed by employing the same methods. Although service may be temporarily interrupted during the repair, access to the pipes is typically through drains or exposed pipe joints, minimizing any damage or removal of sheet rock or flooring. After the main and branch pipes are rehabilitated, the connections between them can then be sealed using similar CIPP or BIPP methods.
Examples using in-building pipe rehabilitation
A total pipe replacement compared to a non-invasive in-building pipe rehabilitation project immediately demonstrates the advantages of the latter process. A Washington State retirement community with three multi-story buildings underwent a total pipe replacement. The cost to relocate the community’s residents during the pipe replacement exceeded one million dollars. In contrast, when the retirement community owner needed to perform similar services at one of their other properties, they sought a more affordable solution and chose the in-building pipe rehab process. The non-invasive procedure allowed residents to remain in their units, saving the owner the expense of temporary relocation, demolition, and reconstruction. In addition, the project was completed in roughly half the time of the total pipe replacement.
It is common for a variety of materials to be required for in-building rehabilitation projects. Sourcing materials from multiple vendors can take time and extend a project’s duration and cost as well.