by Molly Doyle | October 2, 2013 11:04 am
There is no universal organization that governs the activities of the infrared thermography (IRT) industry. However, several professional societies have published standard practices that provide guidelines for the training of personnel, IRT surveys, and camera hardware recommendations. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ASTM International, and Residential Energy Services NETwork (RESNET) inspection protocols are helpful in guiding IR thermographers. Examples include:
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) sets standards and guidelines for the training and certification of infrared thermographers through its recommended practice ASNT SNT- TC-1A, Recommended Practice for Training and Certification for Non-Destructive Testing. Though ASNT is recognized nationally and internationally, adoption of its certification system is not uniform across the industry, with several organizations offering certification programs not in compliance with their standards.* ASNT is the ISO-designated certifying body for the US.
There are three levels of thermography training, designed to address various levels of experience. Standardized training is essential to obtain reliable results. Past attempts have failed to establish a professional body to govern the standard practices, training requirements, and other business of the IRT field.** There is a need for an organization that will address the upcoming trends in IRT, and usher a new era of consensus-driven standardization of the IR industry. Recent efforts have aimed at connecting IR professionals globally through online social networking.***
*See John Snell and Robert Spring’s article, “Certification of Thermographers,” which appeared in vol. 6939 (2008) of SPIE’s Thermosense.
** See G. Raymond Peacock’s “Do Infrared Thermographers Need a Professional Organization?” in the same issue of Thermosense.
*** See Peacock’s article, “A Model for a Virtual Association of Thermographers, in vol. 7299 (2009) of Thermosense.
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