Photo courtesy Atlas Roofing
The Louisiana State University (LSU) recently renovated the club level suites in their historic stadium with a polyiso insulation to increase occupant comfort.
The club suites provide private seating and amenities for guests. Since the rooms were located directly above poorly insulated cast concrete corridors, the guests experienced extreme temperature variations.
The contractors employed an exterior continuous insulation (ci) to ensure long-term energy efficiency.
There are 76 mm (3 in) of ci on the ceilings. The panels provide an R-value of 19.7, making it one of the most energy-efficient solutions the contractor has reviewed. Its durable aluminum facers and water-resistive barrier (WRB) capability result in a high-performance rigid insulation, and its Class-A fire resistance properties were a suitable choice for a space that prioritizes public safety. While designed to be used on the exterior, the insulation system also works well for interior ceilings where a smooth structure and clean appearance is desirable, as was the case at the LSU stadium.
The panels and fasteners were painted gray to match the concrete walls of the corridors. The insulation was then installed on the ceiling over a period of 30 days.
The flooring in the suites now hold a high R-value, thereby improving temperature control and keeping guests comfortable during both the intense summer heat and colder fall months.