Maintaining multilevel parking deck systems


Parking decks are harmfully affected by wear, abrasion, aggressive chemical agents, damaging environmental agents, extreme temperature variations, rough use, salt, and water intrusions. Therefore, they require comprehensive maintenance programs. Ignoring a small water leakage into the assembly may lead to serious and costly structural deficiencies, and catastrophic failures in extreme cases. Taking preventive measures would increase the service life of parking structures and reduce disruptive and expensive repair. Additionally, applying lessons learned from maintaining and repairing aging parking garages would help to design practical and durable structures. The Parking Facility Maintenance Manual by the National Parking Association (NPA) is a valuable guide to extending the lifespan of parking garages through site-specific maintenance and repairs.

Amir Hassan has more than 25 years of experience with building envelopes and forensic restoration in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. He has worked on complex projects for both existing buildings (including historical and heritage buildings) and new construction. His building science knowledge includes work with structural glass, curtain wall design and evaluation, frameless and skylight systems, structural assessment and repair, property condition assessment, building enclosure commissioning, roofing and waterproofing systems, weathertightness, energy modeling, thermal performance, and thermography. Hassan has a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering and a Master of Science in façade engineering. He is a frequent speaker and author covering roofing and the building envelope. He is the current president of Alberta Building Envelope Council North. He also holds the role of subject matter expert in the field of building science with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. Hassan can be reached at

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