Minding your sustainability Ps & Qs: Understanding product life cycle of resilient floorcoverings

As design professionals open the curtain to expand their specifying perspective to encompass a more holistic view of what makes a green building material, new guiding principles and priorities are developed. Decision-making is honed through probing—when this yields better results, we incorporate it into our proven best practices. In the big picture, we reveal part of our perpetual search for meaning in our work and we find our purpose by creating spaces that consider the practical life cycle of products by leaving lighter footprints on our planet.


Top eight green best practices + questions to ask
Those reading this article are likely wanting to garner practical advice for day-to-day work. Good lists tend to make work more efficient. This is where the title’s ‘Ps’ and ‘Qs’ come together—a convenient synopsis of practical best practices and questions to answer that align with each section of this article for consideration in office standards or to try on the next project.

BP #1: Perspective
Have you learned about ‘life cycle thinking?’
2. Have product manufacturers performed life cycle analysis (LCA) on all products?
Suggested resource: Consider attending accredited seminars or workshops to expand your knowledge on the various topics. Visit www.usgbc.org/education-at-usgbc.

BP #2: Principles
Can the manufacturers provide Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to help you understand the product’s life cycle?
2. How many of the company’s products have EPDs?
Suggested resource: Check out the short YouTube video from Elixir Environmental, “EPD: Intro to Environmental Product Declaration.”

BP #3: Priorities
1. How has your firm set its current green priorities? (Look to neutral third-party resources.)
Suggested resources: Benchmark with good examples from resources such as CallisonRTKL (A Design Consultancy of Arcadis)’s 2015 “Sustainability Report”—available online at cdn.callisonrtkl.com/

wp-content/uploads/sites/1/2016/04/sustainability-report-2015-5.pdf. Read GreenBiz.com’s “State of Green Business 2016” and the Dodge Data + Analytics Smart Market Report, “World Green Building Trends 2016.”

BP #4: Probe
Which resources are the best investments to help your team make quick, deep green decisions?
Suggested resource: Check out BuildingGreen articles such as August 2015’s “How to Use EPDs in Your Practice: Advice from Designers.”

BP #5: Practice
1. Have you investigated best-practice strategies and technologies? (For example, in a particular project it might be important to consider passive design prior to introducing a new system.
Suggested resource: Consult the HOK Sustainable Design Guidebook, which provides eco-best practices for each phase of design and construction.

BP #6: PioneeR
Have you investigated the suitability of bio-based materials for your next project?
Suggested resources: Become familiar with the LEED v4 credit, Building Product Disclosure & Optimization Sourcing of Raw Materials (Option 2–Leadership Extraction Practices), which references bio-based products. Also, read BuildingGreen’s Environmental Building News’ article on the best alternative bio-based phthalate free plasticizers, “Two Phthalate-free PVC-Free Plasticizers Stand Out in New Report.”

BP #7: Perpetual
Have you searched for products with a minimum percentage of recycled content across their entire product line?
2. Is the product 100 percent recyclable?
3. Can the product be reused?
Suggested resource: Check out “Design for Reuse Primer: 15 Successful Reuse Projects within Different Sectors Explored In-depth,” a free electronic publication developed by Public Architecture at www.designforreuse.com/pdf/Primer-Online.pdf.

BP #8: Purpose
Ask questions of companies you collaborate with to learn their business values and environmental ethos, specifically:

  • Who does the company collaborate with as suppliers, team members, and customers?
  • What product does the company make?
  • How does the company make the product?
  • Where does this company choose to headquarter its business and distribute its services and products, and to what community?

Suggested resource: Learn about Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSR) within the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Framework. Examples can be found in a search at globalreporting.org.   

Holley Henderson, LEED Fellow, is a sustainability consultant for several global building owners, architects, contractors, and product manufacturers, including Gerflor USA. With more than 15 years of industry experience, she has led several ‘firsts,’ including the first LEED-CI project in the United States (Platinum) and China (Gold), as well as, the first LEED project in Thailand. Henderson has served the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in many capacities at the national level, including (past) chair of the Market Advisory Committee and LEED-CI Core Committee. She wrote the book, Becoming a Green Building Professional. Henderson can be contacted through www.holleyhenderson.com

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