Minnesota transit center improves aesthetics with aluminum plate system

The Cedar Grove Transit Center in Minnesota improved its aesthetics, performance, and durability by installing an aluminum plate system. Photo © Mark Long. Photo courtesy Linetec
The Cedar Grove Transit Center in Minnesota improved its aesthetics, performance, and durability by installing an aluminum plate system.
Photo © Mark Long. Photo courtesy Linetec

The Cedar Grove Transit Center in Minnesota improved its aesthetics, performance, and durability by installing an aluminum plate system. The station expands the original facility with two buildings connected by a skyway bridge.

The $15-million project’s four main goals were: providing a variety of safe, reliable, and attractive bus transit services, improving mobility and accessibility, identifying improvements that are cost-effective and well-positioned for implementation, and enhancing, and promoting transit-oriented development compatible with the community.

The transit center used more than 465 m2 (5000 sf) of aluminum with a formed-plate barrier system in a bright silver color. Engineered for low-rise applications, the wet-joint, metal plate panel system is suited for projects going down to grade, and feature multiple bends, shapes, and conditions where a long service life is needed. The installed system complies with ASTM standards for water penetration, air infiltration, and structural integrity.

Enhancing and protecting the aluminum panels, the applied coatings met the American Architectural Manufacturers Association AAMA 2605 Voluntary Specification for Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for Superior-performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Entrusions and Panels standards for 70 percent polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) resin-based coatings. These finishes for architectural aluminum products exhibit resistance to humidity, color change, chalk, gloss loss, and chemicals.

Cedar Grove Transit Center opened in May 2017. The project, and the Met Council and its team were recognized with an honor award by the American Council of Engineering Companies, Minnesota Chapter (ACEC-MN).

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