Photo courtesy AAMA
The latest edition of North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights (NAFS), is now available. Compiled by the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA), the update, 101/I.S.2/A440-17, replaces the 2011 edition of the joint standard.
JDMG asserted the updated standard represents a step toward achieving seamless trade between U.S. and Canadian fenestration industry manufacturers.
“The 2017 version of NAFS is the latest product of the ongoing effort to harmonize standards in North America,” said Joe Hayden, WDMA’s JDMG co-chair. “This effort started over 20 years ago and is evidence of the fenestration industry’s desire to offer our customers a single, unified performance specification across borders.”
Since being published, NAFS-2011 has been referenced in the 2015 editions of the International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC), with the revised standard to be included in the 2018 editions of these codes. Additionally, NAFS-2017 is being proposed to replace the 2011 edition in the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) when it is next updated.
The Joint Document Management Group (JDMG)—comprised of representatives from AAMA, CSA, and WDMA—stressed the importance of the 2017 edition of NAFS.
“The newest version of NAFS includes three more operator types than the previous edition: folding door systems, parallel opening windows, and top turn reversible windows,” said Steve Fronek, AAMA’s JDMG co-chair. “With these products becoming more prevalent in the industry, it is important that the updated document provide guidance on their testing.”
The 2017 edition of NAFS can be purchased online through AAMA, CSA, or WDMA.