When specifying cellular glass for roof and building applications, it is important to note new developments in standardization. On November 1, 2020, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) created ASTM C1902, Standard Specification for Cellular Glass Insulation Used in Building and Roof Applications.* This standard specifically addresses physical and performance properties necessary for building applications, as opposed to the previously referenced ASTM C552, Standard Specification for Cellular Glass Thermal Insulation, which primarily applied to pipe and industrial insulation applications. As ASTM C552 is currently referenced as the product standard in the International Building Code (IBC) Section 1508 ‘Roofing Insulation, ASTM C1902, Standard Specification for Cellular Glass Insulation Used in Building and Roof Applications, is being proposed as a more direct replacement to address relevant properties such as compressive strength, thermal performance, moisture resistance, and dimensional stability under more applicable service temperatures ranging from (-50 to 200 F).** Specifiers will notice the same process of classifying materials by their physical properties in this standard—they are just more relevant to building construction needs. In the interim, specifiers should consider introducing this standard into future project manuals and local code officials have supported the use of the new standard for classifying cellular glass on projects.
*Visit www.astm.org/Standards/C1902.htm.
** See www.astm.org/Standards/C552.htm.