New standard for precast segmental box culverts

by CS Editor | January 16, 2015 5:26 pm

Used to make culverts for stormwater runoff or wildlife safe passage, precast reinforced concrete box sections are now the subject of a new ASTM standard. Photo © BigStock/PiLens
Used to make culverts for stormwater runoff or wildlife safe passage, precast reinforced concrete box sections are now the subject of a new ASTM standard. Photo © BigStock/PiLens

ASTM has developed the first standard for precast reinforced concrete box sections, which are used in various aspects of infrastructure construction.

Made up of separate segments assembled in the field to make the final structure, segmental box sections are being used in the building of culverts for the underground conveyance of stormwater, industrial waste, and sewage. Additionally, these culverts can also function as pedestrian tunnels as well as wildlife passage areas under heavily travelled highways.

ASTM C1786[1], Specification for Segmental Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Sections for Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers Designed According to AASHTO LRFD, references a American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials load and resistance factor design document that employs load and resistance factor design methodology using factors developed from statistical knowledge of loads and structural design. Prior to this standard, producers and engineers had to refer to ASTM standards for similar structures that did not address specifics regarding the design and manufacture of segmental culverts.

ASTM member Josh Beakley noted AASHTO LRFD bridge specifications provide design guidance, but small communities and agencies are not always as familiar with those requirements as are the state departments of transportation (DOTs) that use them on a more regular basis.

The new standard was developed by ASTM Subcommittee C13.07 on Acceptance Specifications and Precast Concrete Box Sections, which is under the jurisdiction of Committee C13 on Concrete Pipe.

  1. ASTM C1786:

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