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The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Off-site Construction Council (OSCC) has released the results of its research into software utilization, showing heavy use in mechanical/electrical/plumbing (MEP) and structural concrete and steel realms.
The survey, conducted in summer 2015, sought to identify the types, frequency, and effectiveness of software platforms employed by the off-site construction sector. (While it was funded by Autodesk, respondents were not informed on the sponsorship.) More than half of the participants represented the architecture/engineering or general manager/general contractor disciplines.
According to the results, two-thirds of the participants (who could select multiple categories) used off-site construction elements in their projects for multi-trade HVAC, plumbing and electrical racks, risers, and other assemblies. Further, more than 60 percent used structural steel assemblies and precast concrete structural components in one or more projects. Within the 12 months leading up to the survey, respondents indicated they had used Autodesk Revit more than any other software application during the pre-design, design, procurement, fabrication, and construction process. More than 80 percent of the respondents indicated using Revit daily on off-site construction projects.
The University of Utah’s Integrated Technology in Architecture Center (ITAC) also conducted a separate study on permanent modular construction performance last year. In that survey of permanent modular manufacturers, respondents indicated using Autodesk AutoCAD as the primary software for their in-house needs. When considering the results of the OSCC survey in tandem with the 2015 ITAC survey, OSCC noted there may be a disconnect between the manufacturers (who indicated heavy utilization of AutoCAD) with this survey (primarily of designers and contractors using Revit); it pointed out a potential need for improved digital communication between the design phase and fabrication phase.
OSCC is using its results from this survey and a previous one, along with case studies from effective projects, to inform development of an Off-site Construction Implementation Guide. The council also plans to conduct additional surveys in the future.
To read “The Report of the Results of the 2015 Off-Site Construction Industry Survey of Software Usage,” click here.