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On January 7, the National Institute of Building Sciences Off-Site Construction Council (OSCC) released the results of a survey conducted to gain an understanding of how the United States construction sector is using offsite building techniques and technologies.
The report was released at OSCC’s annual meeting held during the Building Innovation 2019 expo.
A total of 205 participants from around the country answered the survey. The respondents included construction management and general contractors (GCs), engineers, trade contractors, architects, and owners/developers.
Some key findings from the “Report of the Results of 2018 Off-Site Construction Industry Survey” are:
- most respondents (87.62 percent) indicated they had utilized offsite fabricated components to some degree over the past 12 months, while 81.63 percent expected to utilize offsite construction more often or the same amount in the next 12 months;
- participants (who could select multiple categories) are using offsite elements for commercial construction, industrial, healthcare, education, multifamily, hospitality, single-family, and data center construction;
- although offsite construction requires moderately or significantly higher levels of engagement, the increased integration and collaboration throughout the delivery process can result in higher quality and reduced changes throughout construction;
- the primary benefit of offsite construction is a reduced overall project schedule, and specifically, the duration of the construction phase (other realized benefits included quality of the product and cost effectiveness);
- construction culture and late design changes were the most significant barriers;
- the survey pinpointed the construction manager or GC is the one most often implementing offsite construction; and
- additional education is needed for current decision-makers and owners, who have the potential to demand the use of offsite construction.
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