Tripod turnstiles
Tripod turnstiles are a safe and secure entry solution for an area offering an easy and comfortable option for all users. These extremely rugged, low security deterrent solutions are straightforward and effective in controlling large volumes of people daily in supervised environments.
Full height turnstiles
These turnstiles are another rugged, low-maintenance solution for the harshest outdoor conditions. These act as a deterrent against tailgating and unauthorized entry at the fence line. Initially used for outdoor access control, today’s full height turnstiles can fit the needs of the environment, whether a supervised interior or a monitored autonomous exterior.
Access and side gates
As a comfortable, low security solution, access and side gates provide wide lane access. Although the gates do not mitigate tailgating, they are an important component of an overall risk mitigation strategy. This type of entrance supports accessibility for people with disabilities and provides a comfortable alternative for users carrying large bags, pushing dollies, or anyone who is more comfortable using a wider lane. These gates are often placed alongside turnstiles in supervised locations.
Optical turnstiles
A popular, medium security solution for most lobby applications, optical turnstiles provide a balance between security and visitor management. This entrance solution includes sensors, which detect tailgating and piggybacking attempts, and raises an alarm for guards to respond—however, supervision is required.
These turnstile solutions provide a strong visual deterrent against intrusion and their physical barrier supports regulatory compliance and risk reduction to companies across the globe. When coupled with biometric and access control devices, their automatic moving barriers can also provide a touch-free entry experience.
Security revolving doors and mantrap
Security revolving doors and mantrap portals prevent unauthorized entry in the form of tailgating and piggybacking. Security revolving doors can allow a two-way traffic flow and a high traffic capacity simultaneously. Mantrap portals allow a two-way traffic flow, but only in one direction at a time, while accommodating a wheelchair, delivery cart, stroller, etc. When integrated with access control or biometric systems, these solutions can become an integral component of a building’s security defense, and can be upgraded with bullet-resistant or vandal-resistant glass to provide additional protection and peace of mind for occupants.
Both entrances support regulatory compliance, risk, liability reduction, accurate metrics collection, and are the most secure forms of security entrances a facility can install.